Policy Priorities:

Fostering Safe Communities

  • Pass gun safety ordinances within State-constrained legal parameters

    Increase gun safety education and distribute gun locks

    Expand Place-Based Investigations of Violent Offender Territories (PIVOT) and Alternative Response to Crisis (ARC)

    Invest in violence interruption, survivor support and community programs

  • Encourage more mixed-use and mixed-income developments to foster walkable neighborhoods

    Increase funding for Community Development Corporations (CDCs) and Homebase

    Reduce energy costs for tenants and homeowners experiencing energy poverty by expanding programs such as WarmUp Cincy to support low-income renters, homeowners, and landlords of affordable housing with the installation of weatherization, energy efficiency, and healthy home upgrades

  • Continue to require paying prevailing wages on any project funded completely or in part with tax dollars in Cincinnati

    Invest in minority and women-owned businesses by providing access to capital through successful public-private partnerships and the Cincinnati Development Fund

    Continue to invest in the Career Pathways program and expand it to encompass new kinds of roles 

    Encourage establishing apprenticeship programs in the private sector and trade careers

  • Increase funding for the Boots on the Ground Fund and Safe and Clean Fund

    Enhance support for neighborhood community councils and increase funding for Invest in Neighborhoods

    Support youth programming through the Cincinnati Recreation Committee (CRC) and the Cincinnati Public Library

  • Continue to invest in our partnership with Greater Cincinnati Regional Food Policy Council 

    Increase food access through grocery delivery, neighborhood gardens, and more

  • Provide greater mental health access and support 

    Continue to support City of Cincinnati Primary Care (CCPC) health centers and increase public education about accessing their services